Certain Colours - Series 1

Certain Colours Episode 1: Luke Howard Trio (Click this link to play in YouTube)
Certain Colours is an insight to the creative process of improvising musicians. It is designed to "open the door" into the world of creative music, discussing creative process, how and why musicians do what they do.
Episode 1 features the Luke Howard Trio
Luke Howard: Piano
Jonathan Zion: Double Bass
Daniel Farrugia: Drums
Introduction: 0:17
Track 1: The Electric Night Descends 1:04
Track 2: Atlases 6:58
Track 3: 7:52 12:00
Track 4: Spir 17:21
Track 4: Self Preservation 21:16
Recorded live at David Williamson Theatre, Melbourne, Australia
Director: John Swindells
Host/Executive Producer: Tim Nikolsky
Production Coordinator: Chelsie Mehmet
Producer: David Holroyd
Production assistant: Ash Chapman
Equipment: Michael Bowen
Stagecrew: Lennon Fowler
Lights: Sam Crawford, Marty Shlansky
Sound Engineer: Clint Sigmund
Sound assist: Tom Claringbold, Evah Martinez, Dylan MacLennan
Theatre, Live Production Cathy McKinnon, Riley Stow, Alannah Brelis, Fiona Chum
Primary Camera: Tim Morton
Camera : Benito VandenBosch, Cameron Galea, Michael Skordis, Aaron Potter, Khurram Bila
Makeup: Emma Quilty, Rikki Norman
Location Sound: Diego Depane
Additional Sound Mixing: Rohan Wallis & Tim Nikolsky
Post Production & Colour Grading: Michael Scordis
With thanks to: Hadyn Buxton, David Williamson Theatre, Sing Sing Studios, Lucky Coq
Certain Colours Episode 1: Luke Howard Trio